Nelly Venturini, LMHC, NCC, CIRT
You might be surprised to hear that your brain is your love organ. It’s been scientifically demonstrated that your brain controls everything you think, everything you feel, and everything you do. It’s the master computer that generates all these functions in humans. Your brain is also the most marvelous organ, and it’s your best resource for creating good things in your life. Let’s talk about your marriage and how your brain can help you create a loving marriage, as you train it to function in ways that nurture your relationships, especially the most important one being your marriage.
First of all, your brain develops networks of connected brain cells called neurons, which are the source of the thoughts you have, the feelings you experience, and the behaviors you engage in. If those networks in your brain are not working for you, you can change them to develop new networks, as your brain is capable of doing that. When you change the way you think, your feelings will improve, and your behavior will demonstrate these changes and give you the ability to be the loving marriage partner you want to be.
Many marriages or dating relationships fail because people think, feel, and act in ways that detrimental to their relationships. These are what is familiar to them, based on earlier experiences they’ve had in relationships, starting in infancy and all the way to adulthood.
So, if your marriage has changed for the worse, you need to know that this is simply the place where you can start creating the marriage you want because it doesn’t have to be where you finish. As a specialist in marriage counseling, I can assure you that a trained professional in the area of marriage therapy can help you learn how to improve your thoughts so that you experience desirable feelings, and act in ways that cause you to feel good about yourself. I have helped many couples do this, even when their marriage was on the rocks. The key is to focus on how you can improve, and let your partner take responsibility for doing the same. It’s amazing how one can lead by example.