Money does not buy happiness, goes the saying, but it sure does help. Financial problems can wreak havoc in our lives and in our marriages. It’s no wonder that the number one reason that couples divorce these days is due to money problems.
In the financial environment of today, couples and families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. From overspending, to housing problems, to loss of employment, and now as America anxiously awaits the implementation of the health care reform, many partners are faced with scenarios they did not anticipate when they said their marriage vows. A number of families are wondering if they will be dropped to part-time status by their employer, and do away with their health care benefits. That could make things worse, for sure.
This all adds up to mounting stress and a shift from living the American Dream to surviving as best we can. Alongside there is a shift in focus from the marriage to money, or the lack of it. Marital conflict becomes more frequent and more intense, to the point where couples see divorce as the only way out. But divorce only makes things worse money wise, and in every other aspect of life, particularly where the children are involved. Rest assured, everyone in the family will have less of everything after a divorce.
So, the question begs, can money and marriage get a divorce? No, not really. For better or for worse, these two are, as I said, joined at the hip. My advice to anyone who is having financial problems is that your best bet is to work on your marriage so that you and your spouse can solve your money issues as a team, instead of letting them destroy you and your family. Get professional help if you can’t do this on your own, the sooner the better, don’t wait until it’s too late. Money comes and goes, but people and relationships…those are our real treasures.